
Advanced Diploma in Leadership and Management

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1 year

Study Mode:
Online / Blended  Weekend intensive delivery

Fee & Scholarship:
Flexible payment and scholarship.


NVC was established in 1973, when a group of committed locals came together and organized a public meeting with the aim to create a community owned aged care charity; owned by the people, for the people. Autumn Lodge, the first NVC Nursing Home opened a few years later in 1978, following considerable hard work and fundraising by members of the local community.

NVC has continued to grow and expand with the Nambucca Valley community. Underlying NVC’s growth has been and will continue to be a fundamental commitment to the community of the Nambucca Valley and beyond.


NVC is a community owned and operated organisation with a team of passionate people committed to providing the highest level of service and care to those people that we care for in the Nambucca Valley and surrounds.

Services delivered:

  • Lifestyle Villages
  • Residential Aged Care
  • Assisted Living Services
  • Day Therapy
  • Disability Support
  • Allied Health Support
  • Nationally Certified Training

Advanced Diploma in Leadership and Management

This Advanced Diploma in Leadership and Management course will strengthen your leadership skills and abilities in all areas of management. You will be guided on how to successfully oversee specific projects and drive departments to successful outcomes. The qualification will give you the tools you need to confidentially pursue a leadership role. It is the perfect fit if you already have a business role and want to up-skill your knowledge, and is a gateway to further studies. The course outline includes learning how to handle teams so they remain focused in their delivery of projects. You will have greater understanding effective teamwork, problem solving, initiative and enterprise and planning.

NVC Advanced Diploma in Leadership and Management Units


Manage Finances

Lead and manage organisational change

Develop and implement a business plan

Provide Leadership across the organisation


Manage human resources strategic planning

Manage knowledge and information

Manage innovation and continuous improvement

Develop a marketing plan

Develop and implement strategic plans

Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

Manage international marketing programs

Manage the marketing process


  • For direct entry into Diploma/Advanced Diploma level courses, students must have completed a minimum of Year 12 schooling or equivalent or to be a mature age student (20 years of age and above) with relevant work experience;
  • Students need to demonstrate they have proficiency in English. If students cannot provide documented proof of their English language proficiency, they will be required to sit for a Language, Literacy and Numeracy test (LLN) before a place can be offered.


  • Department Manager
  • Project Team Leader
  • Senior Manager
  • Team Leader
  • Business Manager
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NVC Advanced Diploma in Leadership and Management

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