
Micro-Credentials levels:

Micro-credentials Modules program

Applicable for:

Diploma, Degree, Master

Duration (hours):

12, 24, 36


2, 4, 6

Micro-credential Programs

Micro-credential in Stategic Human Resource Management

Master of Business Administration

6 Weeks

Micro-credential in Business Economics

Master of Business Administration

6 Weeks

Micro-credential in Marketing Management

Master of Business Administration

6 Weeks

Micro-credential in Marketing Management

Master of Business Administration

6 Weeks

Micro-credential in Financial Management

Master of Business Administration

6 Weeks

Micro-credential in Organisational Behaviour

Master of Business Administration

6 Weeks

Competitive Strategic Management

Master of Business Administration

6 Weeks

Micro-credential in Marketing Management

Master in Management

6 Weeks

Micro-credential in Managerial Economics

Master in Management

6 Weeks


Smaller than a minor, a certificate or a major, micro-credentials allow candidates to meet their personalised learning needs by gaining knowledge and skills in areas that are relevant to their academic or professional goals. Students who complete a credit-bearing micro-credentials programme will receive a notation on their academic transcript as well as a digital badge.
Students who complete a non-credit programme will receive a digital badge. Visit the University’s micro-credentials website for a full listing of non-credit options.

Digital certification of assessed learning of knowledge, skills and competencies in a specific narrow area of field which can be components of academic programmes or standalone courses supporting professional, academic and personal development of candidates.

There are 3 modes to experience this certification.

  1. Open and Distance Learning
  2. Conventional
  3. Combination

Micro Credential cretifications are awarded by:

  1. Higher Education Providers (HEP)
  2. Other Non HEP

All Micro Credential cretifications comes with:

  1. Digital Certification
  2. Digital Badge

Standalone Micro-Credentials
Micro-Credentials as Executive and personal develeopment courses, Moocs, extracted from academic programmes etc. which can be recognised via APEL © or CT for Moocs.

Micro-Credentials as Components of Accredited programmes
Micro-Credentials unpacked from accredited programmes and retain accredited status.

Benefits of Micro Credentials

Skills for 21st Century Careers

Common Purpose programmes give students the skills to begin their careers. Thrive in thier roles and take on leardership positions at work and in society.

Understanding Their Leadership Potential

We create powerful experiences which give students a much broader understanding of the impact they can have in the world, and the self-belief to go out and achieve it.

Global Experience...Reframed

We support universities to reframe and deliver global experiences for students, through a combination of on-campus experiences, shot-termoutbound mobility programmes and virtual mobility courses.

Understanding Their Leadership Potential

Our online learning approach is different because it facilitates meaningful engagement and connections, and delivers demonstrable skills.

How Does Micro-Credentials Work?

Additional Details

Appropriate assessment methods are implemented to assess learning for formative, diagnostic and summative purposes.

  • Examinations
  • Tests
  • Projects
  • Other Learning Assessment
  • Micro-Credential to Micro-Credentials
  • Digital Certificate / Digital Badge to Digital Certificate or Digital Badge

Digital Certificate / Digital Badge

Digital Badges

  1. Web Badges
  2. Nano-Degrees
  3. Mini-Degrees
  4. Micro-Certifications

Earning a micro-credentials is like taking a shortened version of a college course. Some are online, some are in a classroom setting. For a badge, you might be asked to:

  1. Complete A Number of Assignments
  2. Attend Lectures/Seminars
  3. Present A Portfolio of Work on the Subject


  1. Pass Assesssments or Skill Tests
  2. Attend National/International Conferences
  3. Display Application of Knowledge in a Work Setting

This suite of micro-credentials allows high school students to enrol and complete university-level subjects while they are in high school waiting for their university entrance exam results. Students benefit from lower fees and results and flexible learning requirements, trialling various university subjects/disciplines.

All micro credentials completed successfully can be transferred as credits towards the corresponding university programme when the student enrols with university entrance exam results that meet entry criteria. Students may also enrol in non credit micro-credentials for fun learning and knowledge acquisition.

These students may enrol in postgraduate subjects as micro-credentials while reading for their undergraduate degree, or enrol in non-credit subjects for broadening their knowledge and up-skilling.

Credit-bearing subjects may be presented for advanced standing into selected postgraduate degree and thereby shorten their posgraduate their postgraduate studies, subject to entry criteria.

Students can improve their employability and entrepreneurial skillset through these highly practical courses.

These advanced level micro-credentials are designed for enhancing employability and promotional prospects of the student. They include both up-skilling and re skilling courses in a variety of fields.

Employers may be able to select various microcreds combinations, or consult HELP to design bespoke training suite for the training of different groups of employees.

Some micro-credentials may be presented for HDRF funding.

Micro-Credential Training Calendar

SectionDateModuleModule CodeDuration
13 July – 14 Aug. 2021Micro-credential in Stategic Human Resource ManagementMC03 GHRM 51136 Weeks
  Micro-credential in Business EconomicsMC03 GECO 51136 Weeks
228 Aug. – 9 Oct. 2021Micro-credential in Quantitative Techniques and Decision MakingMC03 GMAT 51136 Weeks
  Micro-credential in Managerial AccountingMC03 GACT 51136 Weeks
323 Oct. – 4 Dec . 2021Micro-credential in Marketing ManagementMC03 GMKT 52136 Weeks
  Micro-credential in Financial ManagementMC03 GFIN 51136 Weeks
418 Dec. 2021 – 29 Jan. 2022Micro-credential in Organisational BehaviourMC03 GMGT 51736 Weeks
  Competitive Strategic ManagementMC03 GMGT 51636 Weeks
512 Feb. 26 March 2022Micro-credential in Integrated Marketing Communications/ Modern Data ManagementMC03 GMKT 5223/MC03 GMDS 52136 Weeks
  Micro-credential in Services Marketing/Data MiningMC03 GMKT 5233/MC03 GMDS 52236 Weeks
69 April – 21 May 2022Micro-credential in Customer Relationship Management/Operations ResearchMC03 GMKT 5263/MC03 GMDS 52336 Weeks
Thank you for your interest in
UNIRAZAK Micro-Credential

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