
Information Literacy

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2 days

Study Mode:
Online / Blended  Weekend intensive delivery



ICDL Foundation is an international organisation dedicated to raising digital competence standards in the workforce, education and society. Our certification programs, delivered through an active network in more than 100 countries, enable individuals and organisations to assess, build and certify their competence in the use of computers and digital tools to the globally-recognised ICDL standard.

As a non-profit social enterprise, ICDL Foundation benefits from the unique support of experts from national computer societies and partners worldwide to develop vendor-independent standards that define the skills and knowledge required to use digital technology effectively. We work with education and training partners, local and regional authorities, national governments, international development organisations as well as public and private sector employers in all sectors, in the delivery of our programs.

The quality and reputation of ICDL is built on over twenty years of experience in delivering our certification programs to over 16 million people and in more than 40 languages worldwide, with more than 2.5 million ICDL tests taken annually. Our success is maintained by our ongoing innovation in certification program development, our commitment to rigorous test design methodologies, and consistent adherence to our quality assurance standards.

ICDL Foundation supports the initiatives of National Operators of the program in Europe and the Arab States from our headquarters in Dublin, Ireland and our ICDL Europe office in Brussels, Belgium. We have also established three regional operations – ICDL Africa (based in Rwanda), ICDL Asia (based in Singapore) and ICDL Americas (based in Panama). All ICDL Foundation operations work closely with regional, national and local partners to develop the global network of ICDL Accredited Test Centres.

Information Literacy

The Information Literacy module sets out essential concepts and skills relating to identifying, searching, evaluating, organising and communicating online information.

The vast amount of information available online can be used to a key resource when carrying out research, but appropriate knowledge and skills must be applied to do this appropriately. Information needs to be found and evaluated correctly in order to create factually-sound, well-researched outputs. The Information Literacy module builds these knowledge and skills to help you in your research and report creation activities.

Module Overview

CategorySkill set
Information concepts
  • Key concepts
  • Information sources
Searching for information
  • Defining the information need
  • Using a search engine
  • Using social media applications
Evaluating and organising information
  • Evaluating information
  • Organising information
Communicating information
  • Planning and drafting information
  • Reviewing and delivering information

What are the benefits of this module?

  • Certifies best practice in information literacy. 
  • Covers the key skills and knowledge needed when researching and evaluating topics on the web. 
  • Can be applied to research and information search relating to any topic area. 
  • Ensures that you can create factually sound, well-structured, well-researched, and appropriately expressed outputs. 
  • Developed by ICDL Foundation, a global social enterprise with 20 years of experience in developing individuals’ digital competences.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  • Determine what online information is needed to meet a particular requirement. 
  • Search securely for online information using search engines and social media applications.
  • Critically evaluate information using a range of criteria. 
  • Manage and organise information using a range of tools. 
  • Plan, draft, review and deliver online information.
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ICDL Information Literacy

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