
Data Collection
and Analysis

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Study Mode:
Online / Blended

Forthi Technologies

Forthi Technologies is one of the few software development companies in Malaysia where all software development work is undertaken wholly in Malaysia. We provide full-fledged services in the areas of web, mobile, and desktop app development. In terms of development, we especially excel in working with big data – analytics, optimization, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

As a privately-owned MSC Pioneer Status company, Forthi Technologies consists of a young team of developers, who are passionate about technology and strive towards delivering quality development work. We work in several verticals, providing consultancy, software design, and development as well as professional services and consultancy to several verticals including Government, Financial Sector, Telecommunications, Energy and Utilities, Healthcare and Education

Data Collection and Analysis

This course will focus on research problem process, instrument development and data gathering analysis. Learners should be able to develop preliminary methodological plan appropriate for the selected research problem and apply basic concepts of gathering data and analysing quantitative and qualitative data upon completion of course.

Key objectives

  1. To familiarize participants with research design and its methodologies.
  2. Learn to develop, validate, administer survey questions and administer interview protocol instrument.
  3. Master the techniques of analyzing data and interpreting data.

Target Audience

  1. Supervisor
  2. Executives
  3. Managers

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FORTHI Technologies Data Collection and Analysis

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